Tel: 604-615-6959
Privacy Policy
It is our office’s policy to protect the personal and personal health information of all our patients in accordance with legal obligations set out in Personal health Information Protection Act and in accordance with good business practices and privacy and security best practices.
Specifically, it is our policy to:
Protect patient or client personal information and personal health information against theft, loss and unauthorized collection, use or disclosure and to ensure that the records containing the information are protected against unauthorized copying, modification or disposal.
Comply with legislative and regulatory requirements.
Identify and appoint a designated security officer.
Ensure staff understand their responsibilities and ensure that they receive appropriate training to discharge those responsibilities.
Provide reference material for staff with practical security practices in key area the operations of our office.
Perform periodic reviews of security practices.
Prominently post the security policy for ready access by both staff and our patients.
Enter into contractual agreements with security commitments with any third party that may handle personal information and personal health information.